London Tingzz

I FINALLY made it to London. I was in town for the World Experience Organization’s inaugural summit. I had no idea what I was in for. What WE were in for, because you KNOW I dragged my daughter once again! lol!

The WXO Summit was amazing. We got to meet so many amazing people and I learned so much about experience design during the many many sessions offered that week.

Outside of the conference, I can confidently say that London is the center of the immersive universe! There were so many immersive activities to do! My daughter and I went to as many as we could in addition to seeing 2 Harry Potter plays and The Crucible. I can’t wait to go back because we didn’t even do 1/10th of what was available to us.

Open Source Hardware Summit 2023

This month I attended the Open Source Hardware Summit in NYC. It was such a great event! Once again, I dragged my daughter along. However, this time – like most times – she had a really great time. I think the event and the people she met there gave her a lot of clarity in terms of the possibilities for her career as an electrical engineer.

Speaking of people, I am in a group chat with some really amazing and talented lady makers. This conference was our first time all meeting up and it was chicken soup for my soul!! We had such a great time and I can’t wait until our next meetup.

Note to self: post about affinity communities. lol.

Also, I don’t think my photo choice is so great. I’m trying not to fuss over the details in favor of getting these blogs posted in a timely manor. 😅

Immersive Homecoming

Attended Immersive Industry Homecoming Summit in Last Vegas. The conference was attended by industry professionals focused on designing cutting-edge immersive experiences.

Presenters included the creators of Sleep No More, Punchdrunk, Disney’s Star Wars Intergalactic Starcruiser Experience, and a production designer from Netflix.

My Takeaway: The immersive industry was very welcoming. I learned more about the creative process of developing immersive experiences. There is a lot of potential for adding gamification into these new experiences.

Escape Room Conference Presentation 2021

I was a speaker for the Reality Escape Conference held online in 2021 (Available online).

I designed and built an escape room puzzle that was completely contained in a cabinet participants could order from Amazon.

The goal of my talk was to show how easy it is to create a tech puzzle with lights and sound.

The video of the talk can be viewed on YouTube.

The supply list and code for the puzzle can be found on GitHub.