Infy Makers Grant 2023

As luck would have it, I learned about the Infy Makers Grant on the same day applications are due! Fortunately, I already had a project

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misha2ohh experience design phd-min

And so it begins! ….Again.

Welp! It happened! I was admitted into Northeastern University Design PhD Program!!!!!!!!!!! I was looking for something new to get into. I have a lot

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misha2ohh experience design WXO-min

London Tingzz

I FINALLY made it to London. I was in town for the World Experience Organization’s inaugural summit. I had no idea what I was in

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misha2ohh experience design sculpting-min

Community Art Classes

Signed up for 2 community art classes through the local university: Sculpting and Printmaking. I dragged my daughter along to the sculpting class. The first

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